Saturday, 27 July 2024, 7:52 AM
Site: Catalyst
Course: Catalyst (catalyst)
Glossary: Site glossary

How to print

Step 1) Click "show/all". This makes all the session content visible and reveals a print button.

Step 2) Click "Print". You can then use the dialogue that appears in your browser to print or save as a PDF.


Remind me about 'Gather'

'Gather' is a time when you get together with the rest of your regional or Diocesan group to bring together all of your learning for the session. You can preview the material on this page. 😎

Remind me about 'Going Deeper'

Going Deeper is a selection of additional material that will take you a bit deeper into some of the ideas that you have begun to explore in this session.

Including: tutor podcast, downloadable PDF's, web-links and more. 😊

Remind me about 'Make Connections'

Make connections is the part of the session where we ask you to do an activity in your own ministry setting which helps  you begin to relate the key theme of the session to your role / ongoing practice. 

You should submit your reflections before you gather with your group to enable your facilitator to read them in advance and prepare to lead the discussion.

Completing this activity also opens the next parts of the session - 'Going Deeper' and 'Gather'  😀

Remind me about 'Take it in'

The first part of each session is always a Video. Simply watch or listen to the video and then take time to reflect on what you have taken in. 🤩 

Remind me about the Common Room

The Common Room is a forum for leaners and facilitators to use for ongoing conversation and communication. Items posted here will only be seen by your regional group.